Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Waiting ENds

selepas hampir setahun lebih membaca dan mereview game berkali2 di internet dan magazine...
akhirnye dpt gak dlod...
lg <10%>
cepat la... dah x sabar nih nak main game baru (x kaba esok ade quiz... hahaha)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Seremban + KTM Komuter + Ramadhan

hahaha... ingat nak try combine sume post yg dah lame x update...

ok la.. for staters... bulan RAMADHAN dah menjelma... selamat berpuasa utk sume...
pose penuh tau.. hahaha...

nape KTM komuter + seremban??
well arini aku g roadtrip ngan membe2 umah aku... wakaka
amad, fami, seraff and aku of course..
ape daa... plan dah dari semlm tp sbb bangun pun dah kul satu tengah hari so plan deay..
lepas zohor baru bertolak... wakaka...
biase la kan...
well dr umah amek teksi ke KTM padang jawa... abang teksi tu plak x abis2 duk cite psl keluasan lembah kelang...
ahh lantak la luas mane lembah kelang bang yg penting kitaorg smpai kat stesen tu... hahaha..
dr padang jawa trus beli tiket ke seremban tp kitaorg kene tukar train kat seremban...
eh2 cite smpai sini... x ingta nak ckp nape kitaorg leh smpai sana..
well amad nak g amek barang umah abang dier kat sana...
yg best nye arini kitaorg buke buase ngan pe??
tgk la pic kat bwh nih... hahaha RM1.05 satu... nak?? pg cari kat MCd.. huhu...

pastu g la mkn ngan abg amad... bakal kakak ipar amad yg tong... huhuh...
pastu b4 naik bus g KL tuh ade la driver bas nih... ade ke nak langgar kitaorng sumer?? dah la drive tu mata kat lain aduh... naseb baik kalo x, xbalik raye dah kitaorg tahun nih... huhu~~
naik bus SKSKL dr seremban smpai kat pasar seni so kene naik LRT lak smpai KL sentral and then amek komuter ke pdg jawa... luckyly komuter yg kitaorg naik tu yg last trip ke pelabuhan kelang... nasib baik sempat... huhu~~
smpai padang jawa guess who yg menunggu kat sana??
thanks to brader LAN n APAI yg menunggu kitaorg n menghantar kitaorg balik umah... ahahhaah... tenkiu2...

at the end walaupun x tercapai hasrat nak amek kasut (hahaha... cos kasut lain yg datang utk amad...) at least dpt gak rase naik tren g seremban n bwk org2 yg x penah naik tren nih... huhu..
we had a fun day...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Percubaan Pertama

miss a QUIZ

well sebenarnye cite nih jd hari jumaat lepas ag... huhu..
from the title pun dah leh agak kan?? huhu...
dukacita nye ingin sy umumkan sy dah terlepas satu quiz subject CSC410
camne leh terlepas tu??
ni sume sbb salah dgr info...
plus ade cite lucu lak tu blaku... hehehe

jumaat lepas kelas 410 lepas solat jumaat kelas start kul 3.10pm tp salah info aku dengar kelas start kul 3.30pm so dgn yakinnye aku set masa kuar dr umah kul 3pm plus masa nak tunggu bas lg...
smpai2 kelas dah dkt 3.30pm ingat dah awal rupa2nye aku la paling lambat org dah nak start bincang quiz dah pom...

sedih gop la miss x bg wat quiz tuh..
tp juz 1 quiz..
sume org ingat aku majuk sbb x dpt buat quiz tuh...
mayb sbb aku senyap kot mase dlm kelas tuh...

sbb tu diaorg pk aku majuk kot...
dah la ngantuk mase tuh... wakaka..

actually lepas kelas tu ade kelas eco sebenarnye tp aku ponteng coz ingat nak g tanjung malimj ptg tu ngan kakak aku tp x jd so aku juz blik umah n tido... hahaha

dengan itu sume ingat aku majuk coz xdpt buat quiz aritu...
ampeh tol...
wak malu jek...

mase balik tu dlm bus miss lak msg aku...
miss pun ingat aku majuk gak..

aduh malunye...
xpsl2 kene cop majuk..

camne aku nak ngadap miss lusa nih?? hahaha...
kite wak cam biasek dah yer dop??
xleyh bising2 ngat kelas lusa kang kuar cite jumaat lepas lak kang... hahaha...
so the moral of the story kalo x sure kelas kul bape check la sendiri dlm jadual yek... :P

P/S: i've updated a few of my download stuff... so check it out...

Monday, August 17, 2009


well its dark in here...
im not alone... my roomate already sleep... or not..
but i actually could hear him snoring in his blanket...
actually i really love to be in this environment... darkness in my room make me feel very calm..
i could really can thinks of many things... this is actually the best time of the day..
where i can write things down b4 going to bed...
my class start at 10am 2morrow so i'll have a little more time to sleep 2morrow...
what to say huh?? well let me summarize it la...

-got back home from DAMANSARA DAMAI
-take a shower
-eats lunch
-do laundry and a little house-keeping
-"layan" movies and series for a little bit
-take a nap
-got up and take a shower
-watch "BLOGGER BOY"

and now blogging b4 going to sleep
actually so much want to say but don't know how to say it in words..
well a new week starts 2morrow better go to sleep now...
NITE... oyasumi~~

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Send It On

A word is just a word
Until you mean what you say
A Love isn't a love
Til you give it away
We all got to give
Yeah something to give to make a change

Send it on
On and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be apart
Reach your heart
Just one spark starts a fire
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop
Make us Strong
Shine a Light and Send it On

Just smile and the world will smile along with you
That small acts of love
Then the one will become two
If we take the chances
To change circumstances
Imagine all that we could do
If we...

Send it on
On and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be apart
Reach your heart
Just one spark starts a fire
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop
Make us Strong
Shine a Light and Send it On
Send it on

There's Power in all the choices we make
So I'm starting now not a moment to wait
A word just a word
Until you mean what you say
A love isn't love
Until you give it away

Send it on
On and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be apart
Reach your heart
Just one spark starts a fire
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop
Make us Strong
Shine a Light and Send it On
Send it on

Send it on
On and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be apart
Reach your heart
Just one spark starts a fire
With one little action
The chain reaction will help things start
Make us Strong
Shine a Light and Send it On
Shine a Light and Send it On
Shine a Light and Send it On

P/S : Great messages this song have... LOVE IT...

Friday, August 14, 2009


well cam previous post aku..
aku g MIDVALLEY arini sorg2..
hehehe... lepas gak gian aku nak tgk latest harry potter nye movie..
nak cite dr sek7 pagi td ku amek bas seranas... hahaha
rugi 50sen.. well..
bus mini ampeh tu x bagi duit baki melainkan duit ko bg kat diaorg yg besar2..
kalo rm1 tu... sorry la... x layan... amek tpx bg belen... hahaha
amek bas seranas g sek2 pastu amek rapidKL U80 g KL SENTRAL and then amek komuter g mid..
total tambang arini abes RM5 pg dan balik..
sampai sana aku trus ke top floor ah... huhu...
terus g beli tiket...
sampai pun dah nak dekat kul 12 plus lak citer paling awal pun kul 12...
nasib aku bwk student card leh la dpt student price tiket aku.. huhuhu...
RM7 tiket wayang..
dr kul 12 dekat kul 3 baru kuar dr panggung... huhuhu..
nak diceritakan citer HARRY POTTER yg ni a bit dissapointing kalo nak dibandingkan ngan cite yg lepas2 nye...
yg ni x byk ngat action dier...
byk duk focus kat love feeling antara diaorg...
tp at the same time aku x sbr nak tunggu 2 filem last diaorg... mesti gempak nye lah..
DEATHLY HOLLOWS ura2 nak kuar 2 part so akan ader 2 filem la pasni...
pas abes tgk movie g makan kat MCD and then ronda2 dlm tu...
ironi nye aku beli **** ngan utopia je wak balik... hahaha
ok la... duit pun x byk nak shopping beli ape yg mampu dah... hahaha
ingat next week nak g ag kalo xde ape2 aktiviti...
plan nak tgk GI JOE lak... cambest jek cite tuh... huhuhu...

P/S : Arini streamyx kat umah dah jd so leh aku update slalu... chow PEACE!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

[i don't know what to type as title]

huhu... arini 12 august...
heppy bday kat anak buah aku MEGAT ALIF HAZIQ..
arini genap umur dier 1 tahun..
mat jajiq ble mau pndai jalan??
esok khamis...
kelas xde aku plan nak g mid valley.. nak g tgk HARRY POTTER..
aah... sorg2.. sorry guys... aku bukan x nak ajak korang but aku rase for the time being aku perlu time for myself..
lg pun korg nak pg ke kalo aku ajak??
korg lg ske kuar ngan couple korg kan..
lg pun aku nak kuar sorg2 bukan ape..
aku just tension n stress...
its better for meto isolated myself for a while form everything..
to clear up my mind..
at least for a while..
kalo bukan sbb ade nye PC n assg2 yg perlu disiapkan aku rase aku dah lame dah quit..
aku xleh focus...
too much problem...
alone, alone, alone, alone..
kalo pg ramai2 nanti mcm2 plan bertukar lak..
lgpun kalo kuar nanti mcm2 isu timbul lak...
aku takut aku xleh control n aku juz meletup n marah2 kat org...
ya ALLAH tlg la aku...
aim aku kat sini juz nak dpt DL every sem..
hope2 dpt la ANC for degree ni kan..
lg pun skang nih tgh tunggu result biasiswa JPA..
hope2 dpt la...
everyday aku try to distract myself to assg and latihan yg ade kalo x xtau la..
with the pressure and stress keeps pouring in...
aku harap2 life aku kat sini will change someday...
better maybe..
well tu sume future kite kan...
DIA dah tentukan sume utk kite...
kite juz mampu merancang...
TUHAN dah tentukan sume utk kite..
ape yg dtg kite terima n redha...
ape yg dier bg kat kite ade hikmahnye...

P/S : anyway... for starters 1st quiz math aku dpt score full mark... hope more will come...