Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 years later~~

member seperjuangan masa SKPJ 2000..
6A 2000 SKPJ...
never forget memories..
aku da youngest one here..
c u guys soon

P/S : sori hilmi n muiz xdop lam pic nih... byk lg pic lain kat page FB nuyu, ummi, mimi and lain2.. heheh...

juz around the corner!! WHEN??

it's all being released...
GUD LUCK all!!
im gonna let this post with no title...
it juz suit for what im feeling right now...
not happy, not sad, not angry and whatsoever..
but all i feel is lonely right now..
juz had a lot of time remembering old times...
most of it are the times while in high school...
i really really miss a friend of mine
where is that person now??
we dont talk much nowadays...
really2 miss my friend...
hope someday that day will be back again~~

Monday, September 27, 2010


how to start this??
dah lame kot x update post ni kire kalo aku wat post utk cover sume2 post yg aku x sempat nak tulis kot b4 dis..
where do i start??

aku start ngan b4 pose ok??
pose tahun ni pose paling x best kot bg aku.. nape??
bkn sbb aku x suke pose or whatsoever juz aku x suke duk shah alam..
and then masalah blaja n benda2 lain byk bg tekanan
ble la nok abes blaja ni kan??
tp aku plan abes degree naku nak sambung lg insyallah kalo ado duit~~
kalo leh nak pecah rekod la aku org 1st sambung master or even phD lam faily aku~~
hope dpt in the future~~
balik cite pose, bazaar ramadhan sini ntah pape bosan.. mase tu aku ngidam gile nak bukak pose kat kg coz sume mknan fav aku kat kampung ade~~ hehe
kat sini byk bazaar bukak~~
kat seksyen 7 je dah ade 2 siap ngan family GWNKO bniaga lg tp aku x penah pg la gerai diaorg coz diaorg bniaga kat bazaar kat tasek~~
aku asyik buke luar jek.. plus aritu IDHAM dtg.. member aku dr kampung~~
duk sebelah umah aku jek.. kenal dr kecik kot~~
tp dlm sepanjang ramadhan tu aku suke time pg bbuke ngan dak2 KLC kat SEOUL GARDEN kat OU
best gile time tu.. byk membe2 baru yg sporting gle plus makanan yg best
aku leh try mkn grill ala2 korea camtu... best gile~~
time tu jugak aku kenal madam TIARA... sape tu??
hehe dialah madam yg ajar kelas KOREA senior2 KLC aku dia mmg lawa kot
tp dah kawen anak pon dah besar tp muka dia cam umur 20 something~~
tu la kan.. org korea ni mmg jaga btol2 kesihatan~~
every weekend aku g subang time pose aritu~~
aku g umah abg aku coz leh jimat duit sket~~
hehee... makan free... leh la aku masak2 sket.. abg aku pon ade ajak member2 dia dtg bbuke skali.. mmg havoc ah dak2 kampung pisang nih~~ hehee

*this actually unfinished thought~ mayb bsambung someday~~

Sunday, September 5, 2010


merujuk drp last post aku
JULY 2010...
dah skip dah sebulan archive aku..
bulan 8 xde post..
tup tap tup tap...
dah nak abis bulan pose..
next week dah hari raya
di kesempatan ini nak ucapkan

pelangi A

Rainbow - A

all GAME, never work OKE

GP Basic - Game

9 9 9

9 Muses - Let's Have A Party

supernova BLOW!!

Supernova - Time To Shine

mama MYA??

Narsha - MammaMia


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


bosan ah mlm nih..
siyes aku bosan..
xtau nak watpe lam bilik yang gelap nih
sesungguhnye aku bosan sebosan-bosannye~~
BTW ahad nih nak g sunway lagoon..
nak wat pe??
aku ade tiket MTV worldstage free..
nak g tgk WonderGirls, Katy Perry, Tokio Hotel ngan Bunkface perform..
thx to papa coz bg tiket free tu kat aku...
lain kali kalo ade tiket free lg leh la ajak aku lg ek..
ni dah bulan syaban..
dah nak dekat dah bulan pose utk tahun nih...
aku plan nak pose esok n pasni nak g sahur ngan AYIK~~
cambest plak..
dah lame dah x pose..
xcited pon ade~~

Friday, July 23, 2010


ceit... makin ari makin byk lak lagu KPOP baru kuar..
group2 rookie ni ngan solo debut ni byk plak yg best2
although still baru..
camne aku nak follow sume nih??
aku dlod gak la slow2 tp as i said slow2...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

email domain = COMP SKILLS

juz for fun..
aku korek kat blog BEYTA~~

wasshoi wasshoi~~

arini ade BON ODORI kat SHAH ALAM~~
annual event..
so aku nak g la..
xcited nak mkn makanan jepun byk2 arini~~
nanti aku post pic kat sini la ek..

comeback of the QUEEN

Son Dam Bi - QUeen

DRAGONICA online!!

ni la kemaruk aku sejak kebelakangan nih..
terjebak ngan marzwan la nih~~
game nih game MMORPG..
cam biase kebanyakkan mmorpg ttg adventure n lawan2..
ape yg lain game nih sbb deir mudah nak control..
xcam mmorpg lain... cam nih gune keyboard so cam main MARIO la~~
ni character aku skang... still tgh develop... wakaka


ape tu fyp??
meh nak cite...
almaklumlah kan aku dah masuk final year kat UITM shah alam nih
(setahun ag ke?? pasni nak watpe??)
aku kene la ready 4 my FINAL YEAR PROJECT dis sem...
1st week lg dah bz coz kene pg cari supervisor yg nak supervisor keje aku la..
luckily aku dpt EN. RAZIF coz aku pilih nak wat tajuk robot2 nih..
dier pon da mcm satu kepala gak coz dier pon minat action figures cam aku nih
mostly gundam la..
pasni aku kene pk tajuk specific utk FYP aku ngan hantar for kat puan sofi..
wish me luck k for FYP~~

Saturday, July 10, 2010

x ada yg lain!@#$

no other than this...

4th Album
Repackaged Track

Thursday, July 8, 2010


camne leh aku masuk tenet??
thx to che pot... hahah~~

Saturday, July 3, 2010

this time 4 AFRICA??

aku rasa this time for ARGENTINA~~

what's next??

tonite is the last nite kat kampung~~
gonna start a new sem in two days..
don't know how im feeling rite now
pasaan ni kate xnak pg tp kene abiskan la jugakkan
lagi setahun..
ntah la..
my old life??
bole kata its officially over la kot
ntah aku pom malas dah nak pk lg dah..
bole kata aku idup skang lg selesa..
although kdg2 environment kat shah alam tu bole menekankan jiwa~~
tp at least aku ade gak benda yg leh aku focus beside masalah tu~~
BTW brazil dah out WC2010 nih...
tp aku still ngan team fav aku stakat nih... go ARGENTINA go!!
jumpe lg kat shah alam..

Friday, July 2, 2010


nape idup aku camni??
ape aku buat mesti ade yg x kene
nape ade je org nak cari salah aku??
dah byk kali terlintas kat pkran aku..
tp satu je aku syukur~~
ingat tuhan, ingat tuhan, ingat tuhan~~
aku xnak!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

waka waka~~

pelik kan??
aku dulu x suke tgk bola..
skang molek jek tubik g tgk bola kul 230pagi
join saim2 sokmo etep...
xpo la..
dr duk lepok kokse..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


skang musim bola..
ramai org tgk bola..
biase la game 4 tahun skali..
so mmg org duk tunggu2..
well aku pom tgk gak kdg2...
score pon tgk update2 camtu jek..
tp merchandise aku kumpul..
mcD nye glass ngan happy meal toys WC2010 aku collect..
nak wat camne kan limited nye toys...
nanti leh jual balik ngan harga mahal... hahaha..
well ni masco WC tahun ni..
ZAKUMI name dier..
happy meal toys byk muke dier ni la..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

what I DID??


2AM - I Did Wrong

3rd 1

congratzz kat KAK JA n ABG MEGAT coz dah dpt 3rd baby
n to me too coz dpt 3rd nephew~~
bertambah lagi sorg member family aku..

skang dah ade 3.. yay~~
so bapa2 sedare??
ape lg.. siap sedia untuk mengejar hero2 anda selepas ini~~


klip klip...

jeng jeng jeng~~
bape hari doh haa aku x post??
1st n foremost aku nak ucap takziah kat keluarga Allahyarham Engku Syazwan di atas pemergian beliau pada 5hb Jun 2010..
aku balik naik bus mlm 4hb tu coz janji nak reunion ngan member2 skola lame..
sampai pagi tu masuk kete aku dpt berita dr ayah aku POKku dah xde..
ayah aku member ngan ayah arwah coz diaorg keje skali..
so aku ngan pokku leh kire rapat gak la coz kitaorg kenal dr kecik ag..
aku mul rapat ngan pokku time mengaji skali dulu ah kat pintar quran jerteh..
kalo duk ngan dier mmg bising la coz dia sdiri pon havoc...
slalu la gado2..
plus naik skola menengah lak masuk 2cen n jumpe ag..
so lg la havoc...
sempat gak aku g melawat jenazah pagi tu..
sebak aku tgk..
teringat time2 duk bising ngan dier dulu..
kitaorg sambung blaja diploma kat dungun same2..
pastu sambung lak degree kat shah alam..
nak wat camne...
ALLAH lg sayangkan dier kan~~
AL-FATIHAH... semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 beriman.. AMIN~~

pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk final week shotsem aku..
tarikh xm sedang ditunggu2...
aku nak balik cepat2..
best ag duk kampung...
at least ade gak kwn yg sudi teman..
plus dak2 maktab/skolah tgh cuti so best friend aku kat Kg pon ade la..
aritu dier operate...
2minggu xleh main bola..
ilek ah bro x abes2 main bola..
plus skang ni musim WORLD CUP 2010 so ari2 la bola..
wahai cikgu SYAMER... hahaha..
bola ngan mu mmg xleh dipisahkan sejak skoloh rendoh ag..

location update: SHAH ALAM..
aku dah pindah balik shah alam..
duk mane??
still seksyen 7 tapi aku duk umah abru..
umah lame?
malas ah nak cite..
biarkan je cite lame..
lgpun aku dah bosan..
dr dulu sampai skang ape2 salah aku intak maaf..
plus smpai bukan salah aku pun aku jugak yg mintaj maaf..
dr mula kenal xpenah aku dgr dr mulut kuar i'm sorry atau sewaktu dgnnya..
ko rase ko je la yg btol..
sorry man..
aku pun ade limit gak..
aku x perlu org yg hanya cari member bile susah...
bile senang ko senyap sorg..
sorry man..
this time im gonna step up..
gonna have my foot down on this..
malas dah aku nak amek kesah..
i'll choose ignorance this time!!
so please get the hell out from my life..

dalam marah2 gak aku baru nih dah dpt tau recent result xm aku..
ALHADULLILAH sume selamat..
thx kat sume lecturer coz byk tunjuk ajar..
well ngan kerenah aku sume..
x capai target but still happy coz ade improvement..
from failure kite dpt byk pengajaran..
from excellence?? not so much..
hope2 dpt lg improve coz this thing is my "makanan"
gonna create better "food" next sem..

thanks to all who always support me from behind~~

Sunday, May 30, 2010

juz for all~

ape yg korg pk korg akan jd skang ni mase skola dulu??

Friday, May 28, 2010


aku nak mintak maap kat sume member2..
yg aku wat korg benci aku ke..
yg aku buat salah ke..
idup xtau smpai bile..
aku nak mintak maap byk2..


"tu la nilai persahabatan...kan kan...bila dah xder, kita akan rasa kehilangan dia..masa tu smua kengan bermain difikiran, dan pasti yg pling di ingati ialah SENYUMAN...kerana snyuman ade lah pngubat rindu...."

bace comment ABAM ADAM kat blog fami...
xreti nak tukar perasaan ke tulisan nih..
tp pe yg PI ckp tu byk makne..
and AL-FATIHAH kat kak zaty..
although aku x berape kenal ngan dier,
aku penah chat ngan arwah 2-3 kali..
she's a good person..
moga rohnya diletakkan bersama org yg beriman...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


love light ROCKS~~

C.N BLUE - BlueLove

bye bye~~

BigBang - Tell Me Goodbye

OTAK network!!


AND operator
no of input: 2
bias: 1
learning rate: 0.5

OR operator
no of input: 2
bias: 1
learning rate: 0.5

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

till the day comes...

gonna make a comeback soon...
wait n C...
cam KPOP la plak make a comeback... hehehe~~

Monday, May 24, 2010

new week at the BEGINNING

ANOTHER week starts..
ANOTHER week to go to make a comeback..
ANOTHER challenging world to go through
ANOTHER finish line to pass by
ANOTHER starting point of my life
ANOTHER path to choose
ANOTHER choice to make
ANOTHER chance to grab
ANOTHER opportunity to be have
ANOTHER fear to conquer
ANOTHER love to make~~

Sunday, May 23, 2010


⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠ ngeh... enjoy la plop~~ bile2 join ag... hehe~~

Friday, May 21, 2010

tell me goodbye~~

Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Yo I got this, yeah
still thinking about this thing alot
you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there’s a way)
And it got my head just spinnin’ round round round round
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Don’t wanna take a fall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Uh huh we break it break it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up

Girl I swear I won’t even for a second
cause you any pain
in order to protect you
there’s already no other way

Baby our love itself brings us pain
And I got nothing, nothing to say

Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
those hands that embraced me
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
seem to be letting go
if forgetting me will give you freedom Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye

Girl you know when you lose your smile
I will place the blame on myself
Those words, and even the light
I will lose sight of everything else

Baby the moment our lips part this time
I’ll never find better, better than you

Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
those hands that embraced me
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
seem to be letting go
merely being by my side is not kindness Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye

Yo and it’s so, so
Sad it just ain’t happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to scrapping
But I just can’t let ya
Shouldn’t be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn’t live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve
Baby you was a part?
Must believe that it hurts
that lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
it just takes a bigger part of me
to be let you go
I wish that one soul

your voice, pained and fading away, away…
erased completely by the wind, stay, stay…

all these things, I can’t take it, those tears, don’t cry for me
for your sake I’ll never look back again

Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
those hands that embraced me
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
seem to be letting go
merely being by my side is not kindness Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


setan oh setan

SNSD - Run Devil Run

six IMPOSSIBLE things

there are six impossible things before breakfast
one, a potion that make you shrink
two, a cake that make you grow
three, animal can talks
four, cat can disappear
five, there a place called Wonderland
six, slay the Jabberwocky

the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


nape malas nak g shah alam??
xreti nak ckp..
kalo la bole putarkan masa..
tp xleh..
cepat cepat la abih..
aku malas doh..
sakit ati..
xtau la..
xreti doh nok oyak..
i need to move on..

esok nok balik SA doh~~
gapo la ado di shah alam tu??
kalo bkn sbb shotcos aku x g..
duk sini lg baek..
rilex, tenang walaupun xdop wak gapo2..
duk sano wojib ttkn...
bile la nok abih nih...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


chitty chitty bang bang!!
bang bang bom!!
watch out~~
i'm coming!!

Starting Point??

where gonna start??
dream can comes true if you work "hard".
wish i could be like that..
gonna take a lot of effort...
promise myself gonna be that Insyallah starting now b4 next sem gonna end~~
we will see
its a surprise!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


if u in a situation that makes you feel ackward~~
what will you do??
come to think of it..
does it really feel that way or round another??


OH! tidak~~


Monday, May 10, 2010


its time for love!!

T-Ara - Time to Love (feat. Supernova)

HANCUR hatiku~~


T-Ara - Breaking Heart


2days is an achievement right??

Today was a fairytale
You were the princess
You used to be a damsel in distress
I took you by the hand and I picked you up at six
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
You wore a dress
I wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was great when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

P/S: great song with my own version of lyrics

Sunday, May 9, 2010

lets start fresh~~
everything happen for a reason..
lets block all hatred~~
throw all distortion
lets get moving~~


After School - BANG!

nenek tu btol~~

btol ckp nenek tu..
biar la org nak kata kite..
biar la org nak benci kite..
kite kene sabar...
sebab ape??
sebab kite ni ALLAH yg punya..
biar DIA je tentukan sume~~

because OF you

becoz of you!! do you that??

After School - Because of You

Saturday, May 8, 2010

lupang 루팡

3rd mini album from hot KARA


eeni minee

thank god..
at least ade lg org lain~~
aku xnak pk byk dh..
biar je la smpai situ..
pe2 hal biarkan jek..
juz focus what ahead..
malas malas malas

wake up call~~

last night,
at last the wake up call came..
now it is up to me now
i need to embrace it and need to do something..
one day a light will shine~~

ape nak luah??
xtau nak xckp pe..
ckp pe pun xgune..
everything will be back to me..
need some air to breathe..
at least for myself for a while..

JANGAN BERHENTI, xbleh berhenti

JYP produced 2PM latest single..
Don't Stop, Can't Stop

2PM - Don't Stop, Can't Stop


something to entertain...
4th Hyori album..

H-Logic - Lee Hyori

tension + confuse

xphm, xphm..
ape yg aku kene faham pon aku xtau..
aku tunggu reply xdek..
aku xtau nak watpe..
aku xtau, aku xtau...
ya ALLAH..
tolong lah..
aku konfius..
aku bengang..
aku xtau nak watpe...
please give me answer~~

Friday, May 7, 2010

borim nye~~
ramai lg member2 x balik..
xtau nak watpe kat umah...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

kejap di sana kejap disini..
gonna be home soon...

Monday, May 3, 2010


penah rase cam tersisih x??
well to say i think that i am know...
ntah la...
aku rase cam aku try benda yg konpem xkan aku dpt
juz a waste of effort..
lepas incident tu tros 100% berubah..
aku try to make thinks better but more i try more they walk out of me..
hina ke aku??
jahil ke aku??
aku nak kawan ngan org tp org xnak kawan ngan aku
masa leh ubah segala-gala but as the times go everything also changes...
should i give up??

Friday, April 30, 2010

aku xtau !@#$%^&*()

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


esok paper KBS..
tension siot..
ngan markah test ag...
ntah arr..
nervous kot paper esok..
xtau la nape..
mayb sbb paper puan IFA kot...
dia lect paling close ngan kitaorg..
xnak la dissapoint her..

Saturday, April 24, 2010


new domain, new life, new perspective, new ME!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

sisipan BELENGGU

siapa yg boleh faham niat di hati orang lain?
masing2 punyai niat dan harapan masing2..
apa yg kita rasa betul
pasti ade yg nmpak salah
sebaik mana pun niat kita pasti ade yg berlwnan
yg nmpak segala hanyalah Tuhan.
sbb tu lah manusia hanya merancang.
Tuhan yg menentukan...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


juz for fun!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


suke nye aku arini..
nape ek??
ntah arini rase hepi jek..
dah lame dah x rase hepi sebegini rupe...
thx GOD..
thx life~~

Thursday, February 25, 2010


ni mase kenduri abg aku kat kg minggu lepas...

Friday, February 19, 2010


borink nye..
aku xtau dah nak letak ape kat every entry kat blog nih
bkn xde cite..
byk menda yg aku buat tiap2 hari..
juz xde mood nak mengarang..
hope2 thing will be back 2 normal... ***

Monday, February 15, 2010

everyhthing ALLRIGHT!!

gud sume dah selesai...
tinggal satu majlis je ag..
majlis menyambut menantu aku umah aku je ag..
esok dah nak balik besut..
well hope sume fine..
xtau dah nak tulis ape...
sume2 juz summary...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


aku suke choki choki~~
tu je aku nak ckp...

P/S : hehehe~~ :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

double SIDED......??

nape makin lame aku rase aku dah x mcm diri aku??
semata2 nak jaga ati org??
ati sdiri hancur..
blah la wei...
i'm still hate what i hate...
i still like what i like...
that a person i am...
so what??
let see there's go be something coming!!!
you all better watch out!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

inaka de~~

well cam title ckp..
tuk sape2 yg phm..
aku kat JTEH..
balik jap... weekend..
nape balik??
plus dah tension ngat duk SA
balik lor coz bulan 2 ni umah aku nak kenduri..
sape kawen??
nanti la aku post kad jemputan..
balik ni sape nak simpan2 umah..
cos xde sape kat umah..
parents aku ngan adik aku sorg jek..
so kitaorg ber4 balik lor
alih2 perabot pastu cat2 umah..

Friday, January 29, 2010

ape nak dikata??

ape sebenarnye nak tulis aku pun xtau...
tp ble aku bukak blog ni rase cam nak update...
a lot of agendas been discussed tonite only..
mcm2... xnak lak jd camtu... kan??

Sunday, January 24, 2010

new SYNTAX...

sem nih aku kene blaja prolog la plak..
bahasa2 comp ni dah mcm bahasa biase dah bg aku...
kalo dulu dah byk sgt blaja java..
skang aku dah beralih kat prolog lak..
biase la kan... dah kate AI??
tp puan azlin ckp sume programming language same je...
yg beza cume syntax...
tu yg letih nak blaja kan..
tp tu sume x penting.. ni sume utk future gak..
at least ade bhs baru aku blaja~~



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

lecture pagi yg best...

suke aku g kelas pagi ni...
kelas puan ifa...
rugi sape x pg kelas arini..
tu la korg...
jgn duk pk bukan2..
skali dah dgr cerita btol..
tp respect ah puan...
sedikit sebyk aku dpt pk ape yg ade kaitan ngan aku selame kan...
quote puan ifa yg paling impak aku arini

"don't hate things too much coz it will get back to you~~"


hye guys~~
aku ngan beyta ade wat forum utk dak AI especially dak2 batch kite...
actually dah dekat 2 minggu dah forum ni juz lupe nak inform at korg sume...
kat situ leh korg nak ckp2 or nak share notes ke..
nak discuss psl assg pun leh gak..
major thanks to BEYTA~~
forum dah gerak but still undergo major growth..
so sape yg join leh la tlg2 promote...
aku dah invite En.Razif join forum ni..
and x lupe at lect2 yg bagi notes ngan exercise kat situ...
thnx sape2 dah join..
well moga warga AI kite trus maju dan berkambang...
idup AI...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

beef, buff, birthday!!! 22nd years OLD!!!

tua suda demo...
happy birthday..
but still da same size...
short bearded guy... hehe...
lepas gado baik gado baik...
still gini gop... dari dulu pah loni..
well gud 2 know ya FAMI..
anyway... moga pjg umur n murah rezeki BRO~~


Saturday, January 16, 2010

still... bump!! -----> worst

ingat aku cite aritu??
masalah rumah nih still x selesai2..
bkn nak selesai jd makin truk giler...
sume nak senang smpai nyusahkan org lain...
pelik aku..
ape hal sume ngan diaorg??

blom ape2 dah nak komplen..
abes kalo dah sume benda x puas ati bg ah carik umah sendiri...
cari yg btol2 puas..
duk dulu rasa dulu..
ni jejak kaki pun blom dah sibuk2 nak komplen lebih dr org yg dah rase..
korg kalo stakat ni dah nak mcm nih..
korg idup la camtu kat tempat org nih wat camtu...
ape nak jd tserah...
tp btol2 aku ckp..
bukan aku x bg korg nak tinggal kat sini
1st korg ckp nanti ade vehicle sdri nak gerak..
tp ni kira dah lebih..
kitaorg bg betis ngn peha2 korang sapu...
pastu sibuk nak cukup bulu kaki org...
pk la...
korg sume dah tua2..
aku yg paling budak ni pun bukan nak kate aku perfect..
tp pk ape yg korang buat tu kalo kene kat sndiri camne??
korg akan phm..
kawan pun ade limit dier...
kalo nak kwn juz sekadar nama..
aku bleh nak wat korg camtu but aku still sane lg..
aku nak idup brape lame korg nak tahan camtu..
1st thing kalo aku dgr korang timbul isu space pasni korg leh di persila kan la...
lgpun org x dijemput xde sape nak hantar...
so phm2!!

MUST c!! kewl~~~


nak cite arini best giler g tgk citer avatar 3d ngan kattam...
nak2 scene perang2 tu cam pistol kat depan muka...
bbaloi ah byr tiket mahal2..
kat dunia ni mcm2 jenis makhluk ade kan??
katakan la situasi dlm cite tu btol2 blaku..
mane rasional manusia2??
juz sekadar nak senangkan diri dan pentingkan diri sendiri smpai sanggup nak serang planet org lain yg juga ade makhluk bernyawa...
bgos org Na'vi ni syg kat planet diaorg...
bumi ni pun bape lame lg nak idup??
yg penting aku nak ckp yg cite ni best gile...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

pulak dah~~

pas satu2 isu kat umah nih..
aku xnak cite isu ape juz hope dpt la selesai cepat2...

Friday, January 8, 2010

. dot . NOKTAH

A : wei sampai bilo ko nak camni??
B : nak camne?? ape??
A : nak majuk ni la.. cam budak2..
B : ni ke dipanggil majuk?? aku bukan majuk ah..
A : so ape?? aku tgk ko wat dek jek..
B : kalo ni majuk xde hal lah... aku lebih selesa camni kot dr sakit ati..
A : asal lak??
B : aku bukan majuk kot tp aku juz dah xnak amek peduli or amek kesah..
A : nape plak ko ckp camtu??
B : ye la.. ape gune?? aku cam dah serik kot
A : ape yang serik nye??

B : aku dah serik kot nak amek kesah... ape sebenarnya kawan??
kalo nak berkawan but juz nak jdkan target utk kutuk2 n sindir2 baik xyah..
aku dah cakap kat ati ngan kepale aku..
aku dah malas nak layan sume2 yg x penting dalam idup aku..
camne ko akan rasa if org yang ko anggap best friend ko tiba2 jek ko dari

A : kenape leh jd camtu??

B : ntah aku pun xtau mane silapnye..
adakah aku yg menyebabkan jd camtu or ade pengaruh lain??
bg aku senang je.. kalo ade ape2 ckp je depan xyah nak manis mulut duk kepoh kat
and one other thing... kita kalo nak bg nasihat kat org or nak tunjuk contoh baik
kat org please.. tolong la apply dulu kat diri sendiri.. kdg2 mayb ko sendiri x
sedar ape yg ko ckp or sindir2 org tu sebenarnye reflect kat diri ko sendiri..
aku sdiri pom ckp aku bukan perfect so xyah ah nak judge org mentang2 kita rasa
kita ni byk ilmu dr org lain... nak2 ilmu agama...
byk mane pun ilmu ade kalo nawaitu tu salah n sbb nak menunjuk2 or nak buat org
lain jeles baik xyah...
aku rasa lg bagus org yg kurang ilmu tp sedar yg dia pun nak blaja drpd org camtu

A : so camne?? ni last decision ko??

B : buat mase ni kot.. skang ni pun byk tanggungjawab nak handle.. plus main
objective datang sini pun nak blaja.. so sume benda yang bleh effect aku, aku nak
tolak jauh2...

A : xpe2 ko buat la ape yang patut asal x menyusahkan org lain.. kan??
B : btol.. anyway thanks k...
A : for what??
B : jd listener..
A : it's ok.. tu gune nye aku kan..
B : yeah... hehehe~~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

thx to ADVISOR

bukan sume orang perfect kan??
cop.. xde org perfect pom kan??
same gak..
tp ape yg dicakap olrh "advisor" mmg btol
syukur dpt memeber cam dier...
thx.. ape2 aku mintak nasihat ko lg ek..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i don't care

biar ape org nak kate...
aku nak truskan gak smpai abes..
yg penting x ganggu aku blaja sem nih
hope2 azam tahun baru tercapai..
be a gud sem
malas nak layan "plastik-plastik" sekalian
having a new life on the island in the sun should me more interesting~~
ble dah lautan jiwa bergelora gile pelbagai kata2 dan ayat2 memeritkan akan mempelopori minda
lalu dipanahkan ke sesiapa yg mendengar dan kadang kala dengan kata2 itu yang juga dianggap gurauan telah menjadi pisau pemutus satu pertalian??
dimana rasionaliti disebalik semua ini??
adakah ini sekadar iklan seperti "break" di rancangan siaran langsung??
atau terus menjadi parut2 yg tidak dapat di ubah sekiranya tidak dilakukan sesuatu yg drastik??
akan tetapi rasa sakit itu menjadi satu pengajaran besar dalam kehidupan sekalian..
apa yang dirasa akan menjadi satu peringatan dan pengalaman yang akan terus terselit di celah2 neuron2 seberum dan sisa yg tersimpan itu akan menjadi dendam jika tidak dilenyapkan dari pemikiran
lebih baik hidup dengan harapan dan tujuan yg tegap walaupun keseorangan...
tidak perlu sesiapa jika mereka hanya menjadi "pain in the a**" dan trus memecahkan saraf2 hati yg sudah sakit ini..
jangan dihirau benda yg menyakitkan tetapi harus berwaspada dengan tindakan dan serangan mereka..
hidup di dunia pinjaman ini hanya sekali
so, got to LIVE YOUR LIFE to the fullest although it is SUCKS!!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010




esok dah start kelas...
xcited la plop nok g keals...
for sure...
dis sem gonna be different from the last one...
hope2 sume bjalan lancar~~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

.::7 Days POST::. 7th CHAPTER

.::Windows 7 Ultimate::.

xpelik pom kan??
last post utk this event..
aku dah gune win7 skang..
masih lg mengexplore ape yg ader...
tp stakat nih no probs ag ngan OS nih..
sbnrnye dah lame dah upgrade window nih sejak dpt RC version dr HWM...
and skang aku tgh dlod yg OEM nye lak..
yg xyah activate ngan serial pun xyah..
kan senang...
update pom buleh..
dlod pom tergendala sekejap coz acc rapid dah mati
tunggu SIR BEYTA update acc baru aku leh sambung balik.. huhuh~~
hope aku dpt blaja ag OS nih and try xplore2 OS lain lg..
biase la..
dak comp nih mane leh main satu jek...
kene la rajin2 xplore..
kang lack of skill plak nak keje kekg...
lagipun new sem dah start
byk menda kene wat nih...

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010.. a brand new YEAR??

2010 dah??
cepat kan??
well it's a brand new day, brand new semester, brand new year...
hope this year will be more meaningful..

happy 2010!!