Sunday, June 28, 2009


camne leh tajuk camtu tuh??
hehehe... ni nak cite..
td aku kuar ngan member baik aku dr kecik aka jiran aku..
si FAHMI kat tepi umah ni ngan adik dier IDHAM
ntah ape2 lor...
biase ah lame x jumpe..
FAHMI balik mesia dr rusia...
dia tgh summer vacation...
IDHAM lak cuti 4 hari..
dier balik dr persediaan nok g MESIR bulan 9 nih..
aduss jeles tol aku membe2 leh fly..
aku nok fly gok weyh...
td g la restoran GEMILANG kat KG RAJA nuh..
BRO pun ade skali td...
dak2 nih mengidam nok mkn western mlm nih tp sume kempunan coz kedai tu abes bhn...
nok cite nye mlm nih aku blaja bahase rusia...
ntah pape je org rusia nih...
dah ader huruf alphabet leklok dier g tukar lak..
ade ke P kene sebut R??
tu baru huruf dier..
duit dier lg lucu..
duit syiling dier panggil kope*.. ade ke camtu..
sakit perut aku ngan diaorg duk gelak kat kedai tu td..
aku rasa kalo aku g rusia mesti org kat sana kata aku giler..
hahah... doh nok wak gane.. mesti aku duk gelak je tgk awok2 dier..
well arini hari ahad.. juz 4 day to go aku nak bertolak ke shah alam... huhu... lame nye...
camne la kekg idup kat sana... wait n see je la..

Friday, June 26, 2009

the day that The King dies...

arini dunia di"gempakSTARZ"kan ngan berita kematian King of Pop dunia...
sape lg Michael Jackson la...
MJ mati dlm umur 50 tahun..
die kene serangan jantung kat umah dier NEVERLAND..
tp bukan NEVERLAND lam citer PETER PAN tu...
tp yg boring nye arini...
sumer radio pasang lagu MJ..
paying tribute i think..
aritu rumors said dier masuk islam..
tol atau x xsure lak..
kalo dier btol la islam nape xsedekah al-fatihah ke bace yasin ke..
kalo btol la dier masuk islam..

P/S : teringat kat someone yg jugak nickname dier MJ... haha... sorry BRO... hehe

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1k = 6jam

cam speed download je name title post nih...
tp impossible ah speed gitu..
slow gile...
baik xyah ade tenet kalo speed camtu...
x sebenarnye nak cite yg arini aku beratur selame 6 jam sbb nak amek duit yayasan..
kitaorg rakyat terengganu dpt duit bantuan pengajian..
so sape2 dak2 terengganu nak sambung belajar x kira a diploma ke, matriks ke, ijazah ke..
kalo apply kat yayasan terengganu dpt ah bantuan tuh.. huhu..
nak cite aku leh ah rm1000 arini tp dah bank in...
duit tu nak guna byr deposit umah ngan yuran..
yuran pom aku lom byr ag...
well berbaloi ah tunggu 6 jam pon..
sape xnak duit kan...
tau xpe...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


well this is very complicated and very hard to say..
let's view this as 3rd or 4th persona...
when a conflict intrigues with ur heart..
and the conflict involving with heart and feeling...
it very hard for a person to admit it..
it will get worse when the conflict revolving u and someone very precious to u and ur best friend...
the feeling that felt inside keep shouting to come out..
but the more to think the more i need to endure it...
everytime the question pop out, the mouth keeps denying it...
its very hard...
when u want to tell the truth, the feeling of guilts keep pouring in..
at the same time, u want to see the members of ur life happy...
its not fair to do that to a friend that always there for u...
especially when he/she found someone to love..
the more the feeling want to avoiding them the more situations bring them closer to u..
thought that it was figured out a long time ago...
but still it very hard to face it..
why now?? why now?? i don't want this to happen...
please, for our sake, this really2 sucks...
i can't have this feeling right now..
what am i suppose to do??
i don't want to lose them but at the same time its hurting more and more...
as much i want to say it, i can't do it, especially to them...
maybe this is "it"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

lalala... OT

yeah... cam biase aku x tido ag...
mlm ni ade teman plop... BRO n EZY ade kat umah aku...
ade keje sket... lepas lepak kat PDG BAS...
bapok lame aku lepok situ... order air segelas jek...
tgh tunggu EZY siapkan resume dier...
nak send via mail...
ape masalah ntah...
masuk PC lain dier lari setting...
last2 senang keje save as JPEG trus...
hahaha... BRO lentok doh...
letih arini g wat medical checkup... hehehe :P

Monday, June 22, 2009

another miDNight POST

what can i say??
dah aku borim giler duk umah...
alang2 dah bukak blog baru nih baek aku update sbyk yg mungkin selagi ade tenet nih...
nanti g shah alam x sure umah sewa dak2 tu nak pasang tenet ke x...
mlm aku dlod citer KNOWING...
best gak la... tp ending citer dier BUMI hancur (spoiler beb!!)
patutnye aku dah kene pg tido nih sbb esok pagi2 lg dah nak pg hospital ikut mak aku...
bukan ikut dier pg keje cam tadika dulu la...
esok dah janji ngan BRO nak g buat medical checkup..
nak sambung study kene wat medical checkup...
aku ade bace gak kat borg tuh..
mcm2 ujian ah kene wat..
tp yg paling aku xcited nak wat ialah ujian ketinggian..
3 tahun dulu masa nak wat diploma dah kene wat skali medic checkup...
masa tuh tinggi aku 172cm...
xtau la skang bertambah ke x... mane la nak perasan kan...
bukannye hari2 aku ukur...
berat lak erm... no komen buat skarang nih...
biar esok je la jadi penentu...

P/S : harap2 aku ingat la esok nak g umah JKK nak mintak sain n cop ayah mat...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


nak tulis pe ek??
duk rumah asyik2 ngadap pc..
xtau la abis ni jek yg aku leh wat kat umah nih... (selain tido)
nak kuar pun xtau nak g mane... lalala
pagi td ingat nak g wat medical checkup tp disebabkan aku bangun lmbat org dah ramai kat hosp tu...
so ingat nak g esok lak... huhhu...
BTW aku pg beli no pin PTPTN pagi td ngan BRO...
ntah lor... serba saloh plop nok isi PTPTN...
yg diploma dulu pun dah RM15000 hutang ngan PTPTN...
xkan la yg degree nanti nak tambah ag kot??
aku ingat nak apply biasiswa JPA...
tp blom bukak ag... lmbat ah...
aku takot x sempat je nanti cos aku plan nak g awal KL nanti...
pas g beli no pin teman BRO g gunting rambut kat kg dier kat PASIR PUTEH...
gini la idup sehari2...
kuar umah g lepak2 minum2...
pastu balik ngadap PC... ble la idup cenggini nak berakhir... hahaha...
lyn lagu Jordin Spark pun okey gak nih... tatatititutu...

P/S : Lates single dr JORDIN SPARK ade kat axeru-D.STUFF... :p

Saturday, June 20, 2009


mesti korg ingat citer 24 yg series kat AXN tu kan??
bkn la wei...
td aku try la tilik2 subjeck aper la aku kene amek nanti sambung degree ni..
ingatkan dah leh lompat ke sem 3 trus byk la subject yg leh buang...
tp ampeh...
kira2 sume 24cred hour kene amek tu...
bapak byk...
spjg study kat uitm ni la 1st time kene amek cred hour sebyk tuh...
kene study lebeyh ag ah nih sem depan..
xleh nak g jln2 sgt ah duk sane pun (mcm lor byk duit ngat nak g jln2... jeng!!)
despite of that...
aku still excited nak g duk SHAH ALAM lg 2 minggu... huhu...
SHAH ALAM... i'm coming!!!

just add:
subject yg kene amek sem 3 nih...
yg highlight merah tuh dah am
ek masa diploma dulu... so leh buang ah..
so yg x highlight tu sumer kene amek... huhu~~..

P/S : sape yg amek cos INTELLIGENT SYSTEM same ngan aku... bersiap sedia lah... hehehe

lata Tembakah...lg...

nak cite nye arini aku pg mandi sungai...
well tempat biase...
abes dah xde tempat lain dah nak g...
AIR PANAS LA plop xle nok berenang... (cam la aku leh berenang... terapung leh ah...)
arini ni aku g ngan dak2 skul...
well aku ade ajak BRO tp dia pg KB rasenye..
g amek brg2 WHY-D kat UMK... hehehe..
janji ngan KARUL nak pg kul 9 tp aku 8.30am still duk tgolek kat atas katil ag...
fuuhhh... sedap tido siot... malas ase nak bangun cuti2 nih... huhuhu...
aku g amek MAT JU kat umah dier and then trus g sane la...
mase kitaorg sampai xdop sape2 ag kat situ...
parking pun kosong... best jek nak pilih port sbb xde org ag...
lupe lak... KARUL bwk se ag kete... dier ngan MIMI n AYA (adik MIMI) n sape ntah name membe aya sorg ag tuh aku x ingat hahaha... (sory... sory.. :p)
time nih MIMI sponsor + prepare ayam tuh...
dah name pun tokey ayam golek...
mase duk kat sana MAT JU wak gle dier tp cam biase dier ah mood maker dlm group nih...
hahaha... pas makan turun mandi pastu naik makan turun mandi... and so on...
perkara same berulang buat beberapa kali... hahaha
and then dlm kul 10am++ ade group laki datang duk dekat2 ah ngan port kitaorg..
ade 2 org mamat nih cam aku kenal...
dia pun ckp dia cam penah tgk aku tp x ingat tempat (well cam biase ah... aku gitu gop... hahaha)
kitaorg pun xleh nak duk lame kat sana sbb hujan.. dlm kul 1pm++ kitaorg bertolak balik ah...
malas ah nak mandi dlm hujan.. air deras...
lg pom bahaye kalo hujan ade kepala air...
huhuhu... xnak cari nahas ag... aku x kawen ag wei... hahaha
and then baik umah aku basuh kete... (sbb air tumpah dlm kete, kalo x malas gop aku... hahaha)

P/S : go-go axerustuff aku nak edit balik... so sape nak2 lagu, software, videoklip or nak request ape2 leh ah click kat AXERU-D.STUFF at the top of the page... tq...

boring-ness, unexpected-ness

aku update blog nih lg cepat dr aku expect...
bukan pe...
dah kul 1.30 pagi tp aku boring xtau nak watpe so alang2 dah bukak blog baru baik aku update ape yg patut...
bukan xnak tido tp blom ngantuk...
biase la...
bukan time tido... kalo time study pom xyah harap ah mase nih nak tido...
anyway, aku ade tweak2 mane style kat blog aku...
ade la edit sket2... but still in progress...
ade lg nak buat tp nanti2 la...

tata, titi, tutu... tut... tut... tut...

P/S : pada sape2 yg bace post nih korg phm la nape title dier camtu... hehehe :p

Friday, June 19, 2009


blog ke bape doh nih??
byk dah aku rase aku wak blog tp sume kejap idup kejap mampus...
well its my life, so how many blog i created it not like a celebrity..
aku je yg tulis n bace blog nih..
juz sekadar blog..
tempat nak luah ape yg x puas hati n ape yg aku buat dlm idup aku sehari2..
tiap kali on pc aku dengar lagu, tgk cite or tgk anime...
hahaha.. nak2 cuti2 nih ampeh tol.. borim xdop wak nape2 pom kat umah...
well in a fortnight aku akan ke SHAH ALAM...
bukan jalan2... but to further study kat sana...
hope2 ok la study kat sana... hehehe
excited + nervous gak nak g sana but im looking forward 2 be there 4 next 2 years.. [kalo xde sangkut paper... hahaha]

P/S : hope aku rajin la update blog nih... hahaha